About Us
Page 8 Immigration Services 成立於2019年,服務過千名客戶, 提供移民海外及相關服務.

Page 8
Page 8 為客戶提供專業的移民顧問服務. 包括: 技術移民, 投資移民, 專才移民, 家庭團聚. 主要的國家包括英國, 加拿大, 美國 (UK, Canada & USA).
我們直接與海外註冊的移民律師合作, 為客戶提供資深移民申請服務及相關法律諮詢服務.
所有程序都是根據當地國家的移民條例, 為客戶提供最大的保障.
Page 8 也為客戶提供海外物業買賣的服務, UK & Canada. Page 8 UK, Canada 團隊, 親身幫客戶實地睇樓盤及提供驗樓服務.
Our Team
Page 8 的資深團隊提供專業移民服務, 也曾經在英國, 加拿大, 美國居住. 對當地的文化非常熟悉.
創辦人 Edmund Tang 在英國居住多年, 畢業於 University of Manchester, UK.
我們的資深顧問 Anna Liu 也在加拿大及英國居住多年. 畢業於英國大學 University of Warwick. Anna主要為客戶提供有關移民英國及加拿大的服務.
美國移民資深顧問 Frank Kwok 在美國的 University of North Carolina 大學畢業. 也在當地居住超過10年.

Our Partners

Page 8 與海外註冊的資深律師合作 USA, Canada, UK), 提供最專業符合當地移民法例的服務.

我們與香港資深律師合作, 為一些有需要的客戶, 在正式申請移民之前提供律師信 Legal letter to support applications.

海外註冊合資格的稅務顧問 , 提供有關稅務諮詢及報稅服務.

UK, Canada著名的地產商, 直接提供樓盤給一些在移民前買海外物業的客戶.
Our Wonderful Clients
My granny and my parents are only able to come here with your tremendous help. Thank You!
Professional, efficient & friendly. So glad to have found you guys with my family’s BNO visas.
Thank you for helping us with the BNO visas. My son is enjoying his gramma school very much.
Thank you for finding us a lovely home in Kingston. Deborah was friendly and most helpful.
My three cats are enjoynig our new home in Reading. My daughter is having a wonderful at school here. Thank you so much!
Lawyer and Anna were excellent. My wife and I are forever grateful for their help. Professional legal advice and so thankful for their support.
Thank you for helping me and my daughter find a warm home in Sutton. Saved me a lot of time and efforts.
The lawyer and Anna provided very detailed and professional advice on my complicated case. And I was overcome with joy when my visa was approved. Thank you enormously!
Transparent pricing, no hidden fees. Professional and great follow up services. My family applied from Taiwan, and the whole process was super smooth.
The ADR parents applications gave us real stress. We found Page 8, and they were so great, helped my elderly parents get their visas in less than 1 month.
Commited, Integrity, Caring
We are here to help, contact us today