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2023年2月6日加拿大移民局 (IRCC) 發表有關港人申請 Stream A or B 救生艇計劃最新修訂. IRCC 正式延長救生艇計劃中的開放工作簽證截止申請日期兩年至2025年2月7日. 原本的截止申請日期為2023年2月7日.

IRCC 同時也放寬學歷條件, 港人只需要在過去10年內在加拿大或境外 Post-secondary 畢業, 也符合申請資格. 此修訂之前, 原本的要求是要在5年內畢業, 才可以符合救生艇計劃的申請資格.

移民部部長 Sean Fraser, 日前再正式發表公布宣布港人只需要再過往10年內畢業於加拿大認可機構或海外專上教育機構的港人也可以符合申請開放式工作簽證的資格.

Stream A , Stream B 救生艇的條款是相對寬鬆, 港人只需要在加拿大工作1年或完成1年或2年的大專院校學位, 便可以直接申請成為永久居民.

救生艇計劃容許主申請人帶同配偶及子女在加拿大居住. 主申請人成功滿足申請永久居民身份, 其他家屬成員也可以同時申請成為永久居民.

“The extended deadline for eligible Hong Kong residents to apply for an open work permit is February 7, 2025.

Under the Hong Kong open work permit public policy, spouses or common-law partners and dependent children are also eligible to apply for a study or work permit.

Canada is extending the deadline to apply and expanding eligibility to Hong Kong residents who have graduated within the past 10 years from a post-secondary learning institution in Canada or abroad. This means that more Hong Kongers can pursue their career goals and gain valuable work experience in Canada for up to 3 years. Previously, applicants had to have graduated within the past 5 years.” IRCC HK Pathways Updates



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