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英國政府在2024年2月6日已經公布申請移民需要繳付的醫療保健附加費用 (Immigration Health Surcharge, IHS Fee)正式加價. 由每年£624大幅提升至每年£1,035 (66% increase). 港人申請5年 BNO Visa 便需要繳交£5,175 的 Immigration Surcharge Fee.

申請人在遞交BNO Visa申請時, 必須同時繳交 IHS Fee and Visa Application Fee.

Healthcare surcharge
You and your family members will each need to pay the healthcare surcharge.

This is so you can use the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. You’ll still need to pay for some NHS care such as prescriptions, dental care and eye tests.

For each adult (18 or older) it costs:

£2,587.50 if you’re staying for 2 years and 6 month
£5,175 if you’re staying for 5 years

For each child (under 18), it costs:

£1,940 if you’re staying for 2 years and 6 months
£3,880 if you’re staying for 5 years

UK IHS Fee new prices – >>>

BNO Visa application fee

You and your family members will each need to pay a visa application fee.

It costs:

  • £180 if you’re applying for 2 years and 6 months
  • £250 if you’re applying for 5 years

而其他已經調整的申請移民英國費用在2023年10月4日已經正式生效. 從海外申請 (apply from overseas) 的學生簽證由£363提升至£490, 在英國境內 (in- country application)申請學生簽證的費用就維持在£490. BNO Visa簽證費用維持不變每位申請人的收費仍然維持在£250.

Source:  UK IHS Fee 

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> BNO VISA (5+1) 申請指引-中文版

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BNO Visa (5+1) 申請指引 – 中文版

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